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In this episode, I’m talking with Axel Tarifa. Axel is featured in our coming film Rhino Man. He grew up in the Southeast of France and always knew he wanted to work with animals. He took a gap year in university, which lead to a long stint as a volunteer at the Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa. He is now deep into his studies at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in the process of becoming a wildlife veterinarian.

In this conversation, we talk about Axels path that took him to South Africa and the amazing experiences he had volunteering at the rhino orphanage. We go deep into what it’s like to rehabilitate baby rhinos, the effects of trauma on rhinos and wildlife species, and the unique personalities of each animal. Axel also takes us through the traumatic attack by poachers on the rhino orphanage, the lessons he learned, and how part of his healing journey was deciding to become a wildlife vet. Axel is graciously vulnerable, and full of deep incites into the world of rhino emotions and behaviors.

Instagram: @axeltarifa | @rhinorphan
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