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In this episode, I’m talking with Reginah Smith. Reggie is a ranger corporal in Pilanesberg National Park in North West Province, South Africa. She’s an adjutant of the Pilanesberg Rhino Protection Unit, she’s a participating member of the Game Rangers Association of Africa, and she is studying law to become an advocate for rangers in the legal system.

In this conversation, we talk about Reggie’s unexpected path into becoming a ranger. We talk about her training at the Southern African Wildlife college by Ruben de Kock and Martin Mthembu, and the confidence and leadership skills they instilled in her. We go into the beauty of Pilanesberg National Park, the height of the rhino poaching crisis, the formation of the Rhino Protection Unit, and how she’s overcome the challenges of leading a ranger unit as a woman. She remembers Anton Mzimba, and we discuss the lessons loss. Reggie has a deep love for family, inspiring the youth, and advocating for her rangers.

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