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On the evening of July 26th, 2022, our dear friend Anton Mzimba was brutally gunned down at his home in front of his family, by what was presumed to have been hitmen from a rhino poaching syndicate. He always said he knew the risks. The risks of being a ranger. The risks of sharing his story. But that doesn’t change the fact that his loss is devastating. He could have done so much more. This podcast episode may be the last interview Anton gave. In it he gives us his life story, his hopes, and his dreams. May your legacy forever live on, my friend. 🦏🙏❤️

In this episode, I’m talking with my good friend, Anton Mzimba. Anton has been a field ranger in South Africa for over 24 years, and he is currently the Head of Security for the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve. In 2016, he won Best Field Ranger at the Rhino Conservation Awards. Anton also serves as a technical advisor for the Global Conservation Corps.

In this conversation, we talk about how Anton became a ranger, his days of training rangers at the Southern African Wildlife College, the role of a ranger and how it has changed over the years, the emotional toll of facing armed poachers, and how to navigate family life with a job that takes you away from home for long periods of time. We also dig into potential solutions to poaching, which include working closely with local communities, and we get Anton’s thoughts on the coming release of Rhino Man.

Instagram: @timbavati_pnr
Facebook: @timbavatiprivatenaturereserve