Ep 18: Bibhab Talukdar – Aaranyak, Indian Conservation, and IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist.

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In this episode, I’m talking with Bibhab Talukdar. Bibhab has a Masters in Biology from Guwahati University. He is the Secretary General & CEO of Aaranyak (@aaranyak_india), an organization leading a new, integrated conservation movement to address topics like ecosystem goods and services, climate change, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. He is also a member of the Asian Rhino Specialist Group of the IUCN (@iucnssc) and a member of the National Board of Wildlife under the government of India.

In this conversation, we talk about Bibhab’s early days growing up in the Eastern Himalayas, and his inspiration for starting Aaranyak as a nature club, which then grew into a large conservation organization. We go into the success story of the Greater One-Horned Rhino, we dive into the many conservation problems Bibhab is tackling in India through Aaranyak, and we learn of the importance of connecting with local communities near protected areas. Bibhab has an amazing life story, and has accomplished so many things in the conservation space.

Website: aaranyak.org
Instagram: @aaranyak_india
Facebook: @aaranyakindia
Twitter: @aaranyak