Ep 25: Donaxi Borjes Flores – The life of a ranger and marine biologist on Guadalupe Island, MX.

In this episode, I’m talking with my friend Donaxi Borjes Flores. Donaxi graduated with a degree in Marine Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur. She then volunteered on Guadalupe Island west of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula, where she was able to work with rangers stationed on the island. Shortly after she applied for and took a job as a ranger working for the Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas on that same island.

In this conversation, we talk about Donaxi’s connection to the ocean, her path through higher education, and how she found herself working on this small protected island. We go into the many duties she must perform as a ranger, some of the research and projects taking place in the unique biome, and we even talk about her experience cage diving with great whites. This has been a great opportunity to learn what rangers are doing from places outside of the African context, and Donaxi is full of passion, energy, and love for her work.

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