Julian Dorey – 232: John Jurko II & Orlat Ndlovu | Ranger Murdered During Documentary

Check out the Julian Dorey Podcast episode 232.

John Jurko is a documentary filmmaker & journalist. Orlat Ndlovu is a South African Anti-Poaching Park Ranger at Timbavati Game Reserve in SA. John’s recent documentary, “Rhino Man” tells the story of these park rangers and their tragically-murdered leader, Anton Mzimba. Anton was hunted and killed by poaching cells furing the filming of the documentary

Curiosity solved. Julian Dorey Podcast features diverse guests & topics including: Wild Stories, Current Events, Geopolitics, True Crime, Society & Culture, History, Tech, Investigative Journalism and much more. Hosted by Julian Dorey.

Instagram: @juliandoreypodcast
YouTube: @JulianDorey
TikTok: @realjuliandorey

Pull The Thread: The Wild Life – Ep 4 Incorruptible

Check out Podcast Episode 4 of Pull The Thread: The Wild Life.

This episode is named Incorruptible in reference to the late Anton Mzimba, whose life and death are featured along with the RHINO MAN story. It includes interviews with Leitah Mkhabela. Orlat Ndlovu, Ruben de Kock, and John Jurko II. Check out the entire series on all of the podcast platforms.

This episode also goes into some of the complexities and historical wrongs that have made conservation efforts fraught with moral and ethical issues. However, they do not go into the many efforts to change these dynamics for the better within the Timbavati and the Greater Kruger Area through education, access, pathways to careers in conservation, and local community ownership. It’s not a topic that can easily be given a full picture within 10 mins of a podcast episode. We have worked closely with the team at the Timbavati and they are some of the most caring, passionate, and dedicated in the space, striving to make positive change.

This episode also makes it seem as though RHINO MAN was John Jurko’s idea, however it was originally a promise to the rangers to tell their stories made by Matt Lindenberg of GCC during his time at the Southern African Wildlife College. In 2015, rangers were the unsung heroes working behind the scenes of conservation. John worked closely with Matt and the rangers of the Timbavati and SAWC to honor this promise.

There is still work being done to bring justice to Anton’s killers. To help make our voice heard, please sign our petition by visiting justiceforanton.org

Some compare illegal wildlife trafficking to a war. On the front line are the poachers and the game rangers. Syndicates often rely on the corruptibility of these poorly-paid rangers to be information providers and protectors. Anton Mzimba, a guardian of rhinos and other big game in South Africa, refused to be one of them.

Luminary: @hearluminary
Drake’s DreamCrew Entertainment: @dreamcrew
Novel: @novelpodcasts
Thread Studios: @threadstudiosuk
Runako Celina: @runakocelina
Focused Conservation: @focused.conservation

Colorado Environmental Film Festival 2024 Filmmaker Conversation with RHINO MAN.

John Jurko II, the lead producer/director of RHINO MAN was interviewed as part of the film’s selection for CEFF 2024.

The festival hosted an amazing screening of the film on Friday, February 27th at 7:30pm to an audience of 75. Everyone stayed for a great Q&A with the team and had excellent questions on the topics of rangers and rhinos. We can’t thank the CEFF team enough for allowing us to be a part of their 2024 programming.

Website: ceff.net

National Park After Dark – 185: Behind the Scenes of RHINO MAN with John Jurko II

RHINO MAN was featured in another episode of National Park After Dark. Show description and show links below.

Today we are joined again by John Jurko, director and producer of Rhino Man, a film that follows the courageous field rangers who risk their lives every day to protect South Africa’s rhinos from being poached to extinction.

A lot has happened since our first discussion with John last year, and he catches us up with all the developments regarding the film, his life and the legacy work he and his team continue to dedicate in memory of Anton Mzimba.

Website: npadpodcast.com

Wild For Change: Episode 40 – RHINO MAN The Movie

RHINO MAN was featured in an episode of Wild For Change. Show description and show links below.

On today’s Wild For Change podcast, we speak with John Jurko II, creative director of Global Conservation Corps and lead producer and director of the film RHINO MAN.

Global Conservation Corps is a non-profit organization that is bridging the gap between communities and wildlife.  The film RHINO MAN was the first project of Global Conservation Corps and was created to support the rangers protecting the rhino and to share their stories.

Rangers are the front line, the boots on the ground, protecting our diminishing population of rhino that deserve to be here but are being poached for their horn.  These rangers put their lives on the line to protect the rhino. This is what makes a ranger so special and formidable.  This is truly where passion meets purpose.

Website: wildforchange.com

National Park After Dark: People of the Parks – RHINO MAN with John Jurko II

RHINO MAN was featured in an episode of National Park After Dark. Show description and show links below.

In today’s episode, we speak with John Jurko II, the lead producer of an upcoming documentary film, Rhino Man. We discuss the poaching crisis in places like Kruger National Park and the Rangers who risk their lives to protect the wildlife. We also take the time to honor the legacy of Anton Mzimba, a lead ranger and protagonist of the film, who recently had his life taken because of the work he did in wildlife conservation.

We love our National Parks and we know you do too but when you’re out there, remember to enjoy the view but watch your back. Please take a moment to rate and subscribe from wherever you’re listening to NPAD! Become part of our Outsider family on Patreon to gain access to ad-free episodes, bonus content, and more. Follow our socials InstagramFacebook, and Twitter. To share a Trail Tale, suggest a story, access merch, and browse our book recommendations – head over to our website.

Website: npadpodcast.com